Playtest (v0.9.0) - Bugs / Issues

Comment here to report any specific issue that needs to be addressed. In addition to any obvious technical bugs or problems, this also includes:

  • Typographical or grammatical errors — including inconsistencies with punctuation or whitespace like too many/too few spaces or linebreaks etc. (excepting trailing spaces after paragraphs, these result from quirks of the text production logic)
  • Responses that seem wrong for the situation or your intention — these might be logical errors like the narration treating an item of clothing as if it were worn when it's not, or the parser rejecting or misinterpreting a command that seemed appropriate to you (bearing in mind the limitations of the medium), etc.
  • Repetitive words or phrases in narration — especially during the finale, some responses will be combined from several sources using scripted logic with some randomization, so words might end up reused in distractingly quick succession (though the writing itself might be at fault too)
  • Strange transitions between actions during fornication — the 'transition' being the first part of the narration that starts the next action. These are some of the more heavily 'programmed' pieces of narration and may end up illogical or worded strangely. Please mention not only the action that had issues, but the previous one as well, since it was probably a factor in the transition.
  • Any glaring subject matter error about the tailoring — it's not a field I know much about, I just did a tiny bit of research and tried to leave the details simple and vague enough to not stick out too much. While it is a fantasy setting and a fantastical scenario that's meant to be titillating rather than some kind of simulation, I'd still appreciate the pointers if anything is distractingly wrong!

In short, please report anything that seems to stick out, with any relevant context (like the platform/browser if the issue is technical, or if something seems wrong with the narration, what action was being attempted in what part of the story, etc.), and I'll look it over in the final editing pass, within reason.

However, anything that zooms out from the level of specific issues and individual words/sentences/paragraphs, that might count more as a general critique (or content requests) might be better posted either under the spoilers / discussion post, or just on the game's front page. Thank you for your time!

Known issues

Firefox: Scrolling is inconsistent

In Firefox (and possibly other browsers?), the presence of an active text field seemingly interrupts smooth scrolling and forces the viewport to snap down. It seems to be by design and so might be unfixable without client-side tinkering with browser settings. Playing in 'mobile mode' will help with this, at the cost of some additional button presses.

Mobile: On-screen keyboard pops up over contents

Testing on mobile devices has been extremely limited at this point, but it seems like with the way puts embedded games into full-screen mode, the on-screen keyboard will pop up over the contents rather than scroll them up, at least on some Android phones. This seems unfixable on the game's side. This is the reason that 'mobile mode' waits for another input before activating the command prompt.

Mobile: New text doesn't fit on screen completely

This is hypothetical but seems likely, with the lack of testing across all the different kinds of devices and with the way the breaks in longer narration are inserted manually. Report any specific case you come across and I'll look into adding more breaks. In the meantime, try the smaller font sizes (the commands FONT 2 or FONT 1) if they're still legible.


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If you undo whilst it asks for clarification the clarify prompt stays beside the text box for future commands untill you actually clarify something 

Noted! This should be fixed in 1.0.